6WD Truck

Do you remember we've raised funds for a 6WD truck for carrying cargos over 60 tonns? And do you remember we failed to buy it and lost 2 deals? Oh and then we were able to bring it into Ukraine only on the second attempt because the seller had issues with their documents. And also it took a lot of time to paint and execute the maintenance, yes. If you don't remember, you can refresh your memories at "Our projects" page :) 
That's right. The day has come! We officially handed over the truck to the soldiers!
Dear friends, this project became possible thanks to the donations of more than 3,000 individual donors, companies VITech and Fulcrum, teams of Toronto TV and squad aid team. This machine is the result of our joint work with you, and this acknowledgment (pictured) belongs to you.
What about new epic projects? :) 
_______________________________________________________The truck itself: 1’457’744 UAHDelivery to Ukraine: 63’526 UAHMaintenance and tuning: 518’568 UAHDelivery to the military: 11’927 UAHTOTAL: 2’051’765 UAH (~52'000 EUR)

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