Grocery Bus for "Brave Ukrainians"

We recently prepared this bus for our colleagues from the charity fund "Brave Ukrainians". Their wards needed a cargo bus to carry products and household items to the front, so as not to waste the resources of pickup trucks.
The bus was bought in Belgium. It was completely bare, essentially just the body, with a leaky roof and bare walls, not even lighting. In general, this is not the condition of the car in which we usually buy them, but here we were faced with a choice: either take this bus at a very low price and spend more time and effort on the repair, or buy three times more expensive and still pour money into the repair. We chose the more difficult option :)
We completely changed the chassis, fuel and cooling system, washed and cleaned it, carried out a full maintenance and installed new tires. Inside, the bus was lined with good chipboard, sewn with a special fabric and insulated.
By the way, in our social networks we talked about the fact that sometimes we buy tires at the place of purchase of the car (although it is more expensive) so that it reaches Ukraine safely. Here was just such a case: the bus had summer and very bald tires, so we bought new ones directly in Belgium. The next day, it snowed so heavily that part of the freeways was completely closed.
@braveukrainians_foundation have raised the funds for this project, which costed 9'000 EUR. Now the car has already been handed over to the National Guard of Ukraine. Let it serve for a long time! ✊

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