Car for the Adaptive Athlete Dmytro Novhorodskyi

Last week, we handed over one of our best cars to @dmytro_novhorodskyi. In addition to carrying out a full maintenance and purchasing quality General tires, we installed a high-power LED beam for night work, an 8-ton winch and a snorkel for working in completely off-road conditions.
In April 2014, with the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Dmytro joined the ranks of the 93rd Brigade, and later lost his leg during a combat mission. After rehabilitation and fitting a prosthesis, he found himself in crossfit, and later entered international competitions in the United States. There he represented Ukraine twice, took first and second place and was among the top three adaptive athletes in the world!
With the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Dmytro immediately went to the Military Commissariat, where he was rejected because of his leg. But he did not give up and made his way to the 98th brigade (territorial defense), and later transferred to the 3rd brigade (assault brigade), where he currently holds the position of commander of the mortar battery.
Together with Dmytro, we thank the wonderful people of This car was fully paid for by the funds of the company's employees, which they collected at an internal New Year's auction. Friends, your contribution is the "start" button in the entire chain of assistance, it is from your donation that the opportunity to prepare cars appears. We are honored to help people like Dmytro and have such support as the VITech team.
Together we will win! βœŠπŸ»πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

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